Friday, October 23, 2009

Oh Lordy

So, what about when some athletes get in trouble for dumb stuff?
Here is out WTF moment of the week.
Plaxico Burress of the New York Giant went out partying in a club in New York on November 28, 2008 in a night club. He also brought along his Glock pistol, which happened to go off and he ended up shooting himself in the leg.

So- nothing happened, right- NO. Plaxico is now spending TWO YEARS in prison because he had no license for the handgun. Now , I understand that in order to have a weapon, and a concealed one at that, you must obtain permits and such, but the guy shot HIMSELF in the leg.

Donte Stallworth can be drunk AND high and kill a man and get 24 DAYS! thats not even a full month- now this makes NO sense to me at all.

So now poor* Plaxico, who shot himself, is rotting away in jail while Donte Stallowrh paid his way out of trouble and will be playing football next year.

*No- I dont really feel THAT bad for Plaxico, but c'mon, the guy shot himself- isnt that almost punishment enough. He didnt kill anyone, he didnt injure anyone else, its not really that big of an ordeal.

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